Patient Gratitude
“Thank you for helping me to see things in a different light. I can see and feel the difference in my perspective with your help I have come a long way. You’ve given me great insight, I am grateful to have found you!”
Person in pursuit of personal growth and development, Hollywood FL.
“I will never forget the work I’ve done with you. You are truly an amazing person and have changed my life in so many ways. Thanks for everything!”
Person recovering from an Eating Disorder
“I can feel now, I am no longer numb. I’ve learned that my past does not define me as a person.”
Person recovering from Trauma
“In all of the times that I have been in treatment, I have never been able to make it to the point I’m at now. You have helped me see that recovery is possible.”
Person Recovering from an Eating Disorder
[Dr. Nicolle], thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me. I really appreciate all the extra time and effort you have spent on me. You have truly changed my life. I can only hope to make such an impact on someone’s life someday. You have been there for my times of darkness when I couldn’t see even a glimmer of light … and I will never forget it.
Amazing Person in Recovery from ED and Trauma, Miami FL
Fort Lauderdale Psychology, P.A
2755 East Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 225
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Fort Lauderdale Psychology, P.A
P: (954) 440-7828
F: (954) 440-7829