Worry is a common occurrence in this day and age as our lives are full of stressors. Whether it is anticipating life events, dealing with life events, planning or preparing for daily activities, socializing in new areas, or excessively contemplating your day-to-day thoughts and actions; the struggle is real.
Supercharged worry is the primary reason that most individuals enter into psychotherapy. Millions of individuals across the globe suffer from anxiety and research tells us that the numbers are both clinically and empirically significant. As you can see, you are not alone in your struggle but it certainly can feel that way. This is where we come in to help.
So what is supercharged worry that lends to a mental health condition that warrants treatment? Interestingly enough, you may begin to feel it in your body. It is oftentimes experienced as an internal restlessness. Some of the most common complaints reported by those who suffer from anxiety include having a rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, irritability, gastrointestinal issues, difficulties sleeping and eating, and episodes of feeling as if you are running a marathon to feeling significantly fatigued.
Coinciding with the physical may include the mind racing with thoughts, difficulties with concentration and making decisions, as well as experiencing interpersonal difficulties due to thoughts deterring you from social experiences and other essential aspects of having healthy relationships.
Whether your anxiety is brief or long-term, excessive worry can be extremely uncomfortable and challenging to an individual. Aside from the specific anxiety disorders, symptoms can arise amidst many other mental health conditions at various times across the lifespan in reaction to specific life losses, stressors, and/or life transitions. We want you to know that a more tranquil place of mental health for living well may just be but a phone call away.

Typical Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
“I’m worried about everything all the time.”
Social Anxiety Disorder
“I’m worried that people will judge me and don’t want to socialize because of it.”
Panic Disorder
“I worry so much that at times I can’t breath, feel nauseous, and fear for my physical state.”
“I am so scared of certain things that I feel like I’m losing my mind when I encounter them.”
Closely Related Conditions
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
“I live in a constant state of doubt ridden worry and have to engage in certain thoughts and behaviors despite their interference in my daily life.”
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
“My trauma exists in my past but my worry and avoidance exists in my present.”
Depression is a complex, individualized, physical and emotional experience. It is a close second to anxiety when it comes to the impact it has on individuals across the globe. Everyone feels sad from time to time but clinically significant depression is more complicated than just feeling sad. However, keep in mind that general episodes of sadness occur in the lives of all people and sometimes the reason one enters into psychotherapy is to have a private space to express the sadness and feel heard.
Does this sound like you? There are those days when just getting out of bed and showering may be the best you can do. Your mindset may have turned towards the negative marked by irritability, guilt, and pessimism. Maybe, friends have begun to ask you what is wrong but composing a response feels like lifting weights. Unfortunately, depression is typically reinforced by social isolation. Below you will find some of the most common depressive conditions.
Common depressive disorders should be differentiated from Mood Disorders that include Bi-Polar conditions. Bi-Polar I is marked by episodes of mania during which an individual may experience a high intensity of energy, elevated mood, a decreased need for sleep, rapid speech, and over-activity that may include engaging in higher risk behaviors. Bi-Polar II is not marked by episodes of mania but rather depressed mood episodes are the primary diagnostic indicator. As in all conditions, the above is but a brief, general explanation of very individualized conditions.
Depression can dim your views about yourself and your future to the point that life just doesn’t seem worth living anymore. Well, we are here to tell you that it is more than possible to live a life with optimism and without the heavy blanket of depression. Talk therapy has been shown to assist individuals in mood management, increasing self-esteem, alongside of making cognitive and behavioral changes in order to promote a more balanced way of thinking and living. Let us help you clarify your condition today; you deserve wellness.
Please note that content contained on this page is simply a snapshot of clinical conditions and does not demonstrate full criteria necessary for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. Let us help you clarify your condition today. You deserve wellness.

Typical Depressive Disorder
“My mood has been low for at least two weeks now and it doesn’t seem to be improving.”
Closely Related Conditions
“I have been depressed most days for the past two years.”
Bi-Polar I
“Mostly, I find myself depressed but there are times when I move into manic episodes; the highs and lows are exhausting.”
Bi-Polar II
“My episodes of depression continuously arise and when my mood elevates it get’s a bit higher but not to the point where I feel like a race car about to fly off the track.”